dps league sto. We found that English is the preferred language on Sto League pages. dps league sto

 We found that English is the preferred language on Sto League pagesdps league sto  Uploads to the new table are possible from tomorrow (October 7th 2020)

(04-26-2018, 05:04 PM)tobywitczak Wrote: I have been looking for a Full Engineering Build but after the tree revamp. 10 points: Offensive Mastery. STO DPS League. Would really appreciate some advice, not to thread hack. Marks targeted Foe. Share your glorious (or hilarious) in-game adventures through stories and screencaps. Controlled Countermeasures (Temporal T4) +addtional DMG against controlled targets => Only for A2B Builds. This to us, is the most fair thing to. The SRS DPS League is quite simply one of the most detailed and encompassing DPS league in STO. Take care of yourselves and your loved ones. exe" directly. – Please remember that any DPS value calculated by this tool is a theoretical (raw) value. 11 votes, 34 comments. a League of Legends (LOL) Champion. I wish someone would have posted that before I did rerolling and testing on my toons. The drill down ability is actually almost overwhelming. If that's what you want to talk about, go there. Commander Tactical BOff seat for max rank of Cannon firing modes. Share your glorious (or hilarious) in-game adventures through stories and screencaps, ask your game related questions, and organize events with your fellow Captains. DPS League. This is a personal opinion, and as such, people will disagree with me. Inspirational Leader (exchange or Infinity Lockbox) Duelist’s. Strategist highly depends on the new “Threatening. It is totally possible to do over >100k DPS with an Engi toon. Pet-based Carrier - A brief guide to getting the most out of Hangar Pets (STO DPS League) Threat-tank - "STO Better" website, Tank builds. Current ship build roles and how well they fit on the Section 31 Command Battlecruiser: Beam boat - Any ship can be turned into one, or a hybrid of one. with todays patch, Star Trek Online’s Trait System Improvements went live on holodeck. with the builds we have here, you should have enough cost reduction (emergency weapon cycle and marion francis dulmur doff) and enough energy procs (plasmonic leech and supremacy) to counter your weapon drain. So yes for the Support Carriers, but you need to choose your hangar pets carefully so they won't steal your CF procs. 24%. Superior Beam Training – Basis version for free, superior version obtainable at K-13. NOTE: I know there's another thread, but they got all bogged down in blueshift about the economy and whether or not you can trade the reward. Have fun with these latest canon ships! DPS League. You can have all the best ships in the game but if your boffs aren't squared away you'll underperform massively. However, Federation Tacticals have had a nice comeback, with the Vengeance being a beast with high end cannon setups. Improved Flank Resistance By default, any damaging attack made from beyond a. 912. Basically, all normal and advanced TFO content. Just takes double the time to clear the map. 46. Philadelphia 76ers Premier League UFC. With 9 themed fleets to choose from, we have positions available for everyone. That’s the reason why they are a good starting point for a new player, he’ll get a solid ship and that trait. Then people can actually pick it apart and give you specific advice. Positioning and skill sequence is probably one of the more complex requirements that can greatly influence the DPS outcome. Welcome to the STO Division DPS League! We've made some structural changes in this latest iteration to make it look cleaner, fairer and overall more. Please understand that this is a necessary measure for the sound administration of the DPS League, and be assured that SCM does not include any viruses or code instructions that are harmful to your system. Related Posts: Updated rules for uploading CombatLogs; Clarifying the rules for uploads of Infected Space runs;(08-11-2017, 09:09 PM) Trudard Wrote: I have been reading up on this try running it with the foundry mission DPSMark the DPS League have created it as a bench mark and that might help. It also mean that the skill tree should be well generalised to the character's intended role and. Improved Flank Resistance By default, any damaging attack made from beyond a. 8 points: Improved Flank Damage. (Screenshot by @morishita, check out her deviantart gallery for more awesome pictures!). This is intended. Which one you use depends a bit on the mission. Partly for its ship trait (Entwined Tactical Matrices), but mainly because it is a well configured full-spec Miracle Worker ship. This page shows dps and speed stats from CLR and SCM in a table. Assimilated DOFFs like 20/22/25/27 of 47. Paladin Class Battlecruiser (T6 Fleet) Saggitarius Class Cruiser (T6 Fleet) Theseus Class Escort (T6 Fleet) Nautilus Class Science Vessel (T6 Fleet)The T6 Scimitars are one of the strongest DPS-ships available in Star Trek Online and from a DPS-perspective the science and engineering ones are stronger than the the tactical one, because they have a better bridge officer layout. N. So unless you want absolute maximum DPS it isn't important, and even then, you might do better with other options just based on your abilities to effectively use some builds over others. Personal Space Traits. After 2 weeks we'll go through and compare the League table to the channel populations and remove players from 50k and 30k. Here’s a list with some useful traits. A dogfight build >>click< >click<Traits in italics are recommended by a post from the DPS League in dec 2020 For more information about damage resistance you can look at the STO Wiki. The vast majority of. I found this guide to setting up it, but havn't gotten it working yet, the guide is 5 years old so something may have broke since then. Just replace the tactical specific personal trait with an Eng/Sci specific one. CLR—Infected Space[0:25]— Dmg(DPS) —Taela@Felisean 26. This skill allows you to deal additional damage when successfully landing a Flank on any foe. Home. im not DPS chaser, just wanna know i can handle my own really. The mission Time & Tide in the temporal arc has a variant polaron set in it for farming, though even if the beams themselves aren't your thing the tac console from. NOTE: I know there's another thread, but they got all bogged down in blueshift about the economy and whether or not you can trade the reward. log file in notepad and remove the blank lines at the start or the file. Thanks in advance. Consequently, a year ago we decided to form the DPS League to manage the DPS channels and set some standards. Once in the installation folder go to the folders "Live" -> "Logs" -> "Gameclient". However, we cannot tell you where exactly you can improve without knowing your exact build details. If you really wanna swim into the math data, google " crtd vs dmg sto league ". 912. Unlike ship builds, traits, boff, and doff setups, captain skill is the only thing that has a limited number of attempts (single attempt for F2P players), so it is really essential to get it right the first time. Commander Miracle Worker seat for Narrow Sensor Bands, Mixed Armaments Synergy and an extra Console slot. The queue is "Infected: The Conduit", it's in space, and the difficulty is advanced (Elite doesn't currently exist). The temporal disentanglement suite incorporates Krenim temporal studies into your astrometrics suite. Logical 10. 318 (1. To find the log, go to the Star Trek Online installation folder. place #4: with Star Trek Online’s Season 11. Hazard Emitter, Hull Capacity (0-1 points) Tacticals focused on DPS should avoid that skill because it’s harder to get a 0% gdf with more hull capacity. I am an admin for the DPS-#'s league and the STO Combat Meter (SCM) parser. The SRS DPS League is quite simply the most detailed and encompassing DPS league in STO. 6 points: take the one you prefer, you don’t melee often at all so it won’t matter that much. Before the tree revamp there was a build that was (which I can’t find anymore. i really dont know where to start with this. Dps League. And again, it's an actively developed MMO. SRS is listed on the Star Trek Online Wiki. Finally, in all of the builds you can find at the "DPS-League" (STO-League) website, you'll find a healthy amount of clickies, traits, and duty officers et al listed as recommended that entirely focus on adding survivability. 46. Profession: All Locale: Space Game Description: The Denorios Offense Matrix and Invader Neutralization Overdrive enhances the firing speed and recharge rates of most starship weaponry, as well as. Also they are practically immune to dmg outside of forward shields. remove someo f the other consoles (by not loosing set boni). or use the: Non-Java . We started with dps-5000, and slowly added the dps-11,000, and dps-20,000. . November 1, 2015 Ship Builds | 2. In fact, FAW will outperform BO in the vast majority of "regular" player situations - the reason for the BO build interest of recent years is that the elite dps crowd has posted huge numbers from those builds and there's a bit of. In fact, FAW will outperform BO in the vast majority of "regular" player situations - the reason for the BO build interest of recent years is that the elite dps crowd has posted huge numbers from those builds and there's a bit of a trickle down effect. Go to sto. I wish someone would have posted that before I did rerolling and testing on my toons. Select your weapons and modifiers on the weapons tab, as well as enter your weapon power limit, available power, firing enhancements (like Beam Overload), and EPS. Here’s a list with some useful traits. Share your glorious (or hilarious) in-game adventures through stories and screencaps, ask your game related. Consequently, a year ago we decided to form the DPS League to. 10. but in general you could put those points into defense too, at the end you dont loose that much defense (or 1 point. (Screenshot by @marcus1105) Hello everyone Today we present you the build from @marcus1105 for his JemHadar Light Battleruiser [T6] So far he did a great job with that build and was able to Both offer reasonably versatile options for builds, and perform reasonably well. Build Help for TAC Klingon. Recommended. The Baby Step Series Part 2: The Next Step - Fresh 65 T5 Assault Cruiser Cheap DPS. It pits the Captain against two waves of APU ships at a time with up to four waves in total. But as power creep (or power tsunami) was introduced by Cryptic with each ½ season, dps scores started to escalate, so we had to reorganize the channels. NewsTraits in italics are recommended by a post from the DPS League in dec 2020 For more information about damage resistance you can look at the STO Wiki. M. And you will get results from just your own input (must be done on advance) that's not really what i was asking. We've also made changes from the previous DPS Brackets to showing each record by the TFO and difficulty it was parsed in. Change them to universal consoles like Bioneural Infusion Circuit (Lobi), Delphic Tear Generator (exchange/lockbox), Tachyokinetic Konverter (Lobi), Temporal Disentanglement Suite (Episode Reward), Zero Point. The goal of this guide is to point people in the right direction on console choice for Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) builds for general PvE gameplay. I. and deal additional damage. The first tip I'll give will be used for a lot of Endeavors: Story Missions are your friend. Using Emergency Power to Weapons provides a reduction in weapon power cost and gives a boost to weapon firing speed for the duration of Emergency Power to Weapons. On outgoing Critical Hits, your energy weapons and projectiles gain +50% Shield Penetration for 10 sec. When Marked Foe is Damaged by Torpedoes: 20% Extra Kinetic Damage (100% Shield Penetration) Once per 2 sec: Grants Torpedo: High Yield I to one Damager, and resets Torpedo Cooldowns. Jay and Tilor have plans to add more to their lists too, so expect updates in the future! Some of these builds have been posted here before, but they've been given a fresh coat of paint (or more) so the new, definitive versions are now going to be kept on STO BETTER. But now we are in the 25th century, Klingons became our friends and other enemies knock on our. The most popular ones are "STO Combat Meter" (which has the convenient copy/paste you described) and Combat Log Reader from the DPS League site. 7. 4) any combination of crtd/dmg is fine for lockbox weapons, for crafted ones any combination of crtd/dmg + pen. Only one screenshot per person is allowed. in parser record said sci. I posted a DPS comparison between the Basic and Elite versions of the Lost Souls of Gre'thor hangar pet, and it showed the Elite version to be grossly under-performing compared to the Basic ones. Damage bonus, Critical Chance (CrtH) & Critical Severity (CrtD) traitsDPS League. Tyrdragon Member of STO Academy. Maximum bonus when less than 2km, no effect beyond 6km. Current meta favours Miracle Worker specced ships over other ship specializations for energy weapon builds. very dependent on dps group since mobs do torp spreads and can 1 shot ya. Having your CF procs taken by others players who might be using torps. Share your glorious (or hilarious) in-game adventures through stories and screencaps, ask your game related questions, and organize events with your fellow Captains. com. Support builds emphasize buffing the team, debuffing enemies, or healing allies. It is Advanced Combat Tracker with this plugin. r/sto •. Your DPS-League Admin Team. There are many better Experimental Weapons than the Ion Stream Projector. It is a nice aoe damage, knockback and slow. Could anyone recommend me the current best skill tree and skill unlock. Need advice on which phaser beam arrays to purchase sto t6x husnock warship top 5 star trek best armors and how to get them rs decide the first ship from lower decks star trek top 5 best. #4. Enjoy and happy dpsing. Unlike space however, to succeed in ground combat can be massively cheaper since many of the best in class. DefiantHeretic1. com Deal Disruptor Damage => Use Disruptor Weapons, Pet (To’Duj, Stinger Fighter), use Fleet Support if you’re a KDF. The DPS itself is not relevant to answer the question whether Dmg or CrtD leads to higher DPS. Federation: Advanced Research Vessel Retrofit – Nebula Class (T5) Presidio Command BattlecruiserThree new Dreadnoughts have arrived. This is the only area I'm in your league. We are offering a high end build. For me its a bit fake Dps to set a Tac Captain on a Sci Ship. For the sake of speed, only. 25 * WpnProf) + 0. DPS-League can be found in the CLR. even on a escort you gonna use beams cause FAW is too good to pass up. But in case you wanna use a torpedo, feel free. Self-Modulating Fire. As I'm sure you all know, if we complete the year's campaign, we'll get the choice in the title. The Nexus Desktop Client. 2) To analyse your CombatLog click the "Analyse" button as highlighted above. Beam in and out repeatly until endeavor completed. DPS League. We have done the two new elite queues of Star Trek Online on the Tribble preview server with two men. Back in the 2250s, the Constitution-Class was built to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and to boldly go where no man has gone before. Gagarin/Qugh. for boff layout:I believe that the sto dps league has a page that generally explain the best or only ways to get them done. Test scenarios: System patrols “Trouble over Terrh”. A nice replacement to the Mirco Cryonic Warhead. Stay on topic of which reward you want and why. See full list on sto-league. Mokai pieces. Secondary deflector. Its DPS league, I have not doubt the average run is only supposed to last about as long as the standard duration of Gravity Well without IGW. The DPS builds are over 300K and the tanks are above 85% attacks in. and lets be frank, the only one that needs a specialized build for this are engineers. WIKI and Mission guides | The BEST subreddit to learn about Star Trek Online's ground content. Checkout to Dps league page for a good list. - DPS Elites will take over the spot Prime currently resides in. This is a particularly good system for testing your DPS as there are very few variables. Please follow the instructions below on how to submit parses to the league. Neither will likely ever be considered a Meta DPS boat, but they pull their own weight. Enjoy! Breen Chel Boalg (Discount / Taculti) [S13+] Breen Chel Boalg (Discount / Sciulti) [S13+] Breen Chel Boalg (Beams) [S13+] Breen Chel Boalg (Cannons [S13])Expect prices between 200 and 450 million. Wait for Pets (WFP) and a “go in 3” when everyone is ready gives everyone a fair chance. Damage bonus, Critical Chance (CrtH) & Critical Severity (CrtD) traits DPS League. Data from CombatLogReader by @omegashoker, Web display by @Valill. The Rebels play in the B. It would be nice to see Builds on a Sci Captain on a Sci Ship. Shield power: Increases your shieldresistances and shielregeneration. As shown in the approach section, only the relation between bonus damage, critical chance. Pushed far enough it is possible to get over 100k DPS from pets alone, although that could be argued to be. Nearly everyone is far behind. You can acquire excellent gear by doing story missions (the Na'Kuhl ground shield for example). This trait gives bonuses in Space if slotted into an Active Starship Trait slot. Ship Duty: SpaceGame Description: [SP] Reduce the time to recharge hangar bays and Boarding PartyAbility affected: Boarding Party Ship Duty: SpaceGame Description: [SP] Increase. In this guide I go over the basics for torpedo builds in Star Trek Online. Stay on topic of which reward you want and why. They've provided options for in-game maps, ships, weapons, and even costumes/hair. Recommended. It's fantastic for torpedo builds. But nonetheless, the Buran is a beautiful ship which is good enough to punch through any mission STO has to offer. 1 2 3. In addition, while Photonic Officer is active, you will gain a significant boost to your Exotic Damage and Outgoing Healing. Space Trait: You gain a Shield Penetration buff for your weapons when landing a critical hit on your target. diamond. The first figure shows the relation between crth and bonus damage affecting Dmg vs CrtD. We started with dps-5000, and slowly. Stereotypical "bunker builds" fall into this category for engineers. If that's what you want to talk about, go there. If the DPS ship is a sci exotic or DEW build, then torpedoes can be equipped on support ships. We've also made changes from the previous DPS Brackets to showing each record by the TFO and difficulty it was parsed in. Hi all. . ISA is the de-facto standard for measuring your DPS. 318(1. Weapons. a bit late but here are our suggestions for the Elachi Qualsh Frigate [T6]. This is the inofficial DPS ranking of Star Trek Online (STO). Currently flying Fleet Galaxy Dreadnought T6-X following mostly the STO-DPS League SRS interactive build guide and still needing DPRM and Bounty Hunter’s Friend console, and some starship traits and DOFF’s. Stay on topic of which reward you want and why. 1) First of all DPS is measured using a parse, which is a measurement taken by a parser, I would. To participate you need to send in the screenshot link here or in the STO-Forum and we need your @handle. place #3: @killermarschmelo. The 31st Century Temporal Ships have been release! We created some ship build suggestions for these ships. Welcome to Rise of Discovery! After a few months away I’ve returned to the game and decided to test and revise the builds to be inline with the current season. 47 / 47. The T6 Scimitars are one of the strongest DPS-ships available in Star Trek Online and from a DPS-perspective the science and engineering ones are stronger than the the tactical one, because they have a better bridge officer layout. May occur once every 45 seconds. House Mo'Kai Fighters are similar to the Class-C Shuttles, so they might have similar performance to those. They provide a large power cost reduction when directed energy modulation is used. Any type of event will be run from DPS league patrols to simple ground. Football Conference, which itself is part of the. The use of photoshop or other similar programs to enhance the picture is. Please follow the instructions below on how to submit parses to the league. Each player in a session can have a different debuff %. Mage builds are focused heavily around offensive/control-based kits. We've also made changes from the previous DPS Brackets to showing each record by the TFO and difficulty it was parsed in. If you mean "top 100" dps league tables, then no, definitely not. 3. 3k record by unknown reason even I uploaded it when I did that. The World Razer wins for Barbie, as it has access to the Galaxy family, so a wide selection of parts to pick from. Superior Beam Training – Basis version for free, superior version obtainable at K-13. any damaging attack made from beyond a target's forward 120-degree arc will be considered a Flank. The Creating Delphic Applcations space set of three items is available from the Lobi Crystal Consortium for 200 each. A parser is a standalone 3rd party program that will read ("parse") your STO combat log (turned on by typing /combatlog 1 in the chat bar). Shield Distribution Officer (Agent Nerul): Attack Pattern Beta. Feel free to comment below or ask us directly via discord, teamspeak or in-game. Additionally there is a T-6X verne image in the DPS league guide I mentioned, however that singular image in the guide is extremely flawed to the point where the weapon layout on it is considered an in joke, follow the T6 Romulan Verne image for a far better layout minus the fact that it uses the morphogenic console which is apparently outdated. it would be nice to see a Section about Tac on Tac Ship,Sci on Sci Ship and Engi on Engi Ship. Lukari Ques <- pain in the butt. But i'm a bit tired or watching Borg Cubes. (Screenshot by morishita, for more awesome pictures click >here<) Hello everyone, here are our suggestions for the new discovery ship. (Screenshot by @khazam13) Here are our suggestions for the new Sphere Builder Ships! Arehbes Destroyer [T5] Arehbes Destroyer [T5 - Discount Build] Edoulg Science Vessel [T6 - Beam Build]But don’t worry, we’ll cover the other ones eventually. with Star Trek Online’s Season 11. A little example: A player does his personal record of 80k DPS in season 11. e. DPS-Silver: You currently have to parse over 40k on ISA and upload your parse. This build uses a Wide Angle Dual Heavy Beam Bank and 4 Spiral WaveDBBs, the Advanced Isolytic Plasma Dual Beam Bank, Terran Taskforce, Trilithium Omni, Cutting Beam, and a Targeting-Linked Omni. A maximum of 3 may be assigned to the active duty roster. I use my new parser in few days ago. 00 / 46. place #1: @nak3dsnake. 2: Styx - Lockbox. 5 we’re getting a new secondary specialization. 2) dps wise, oss 3 + eptw 2 should be the superior configuration, since you get only additional +3% from eptw 3 over eptw2 but a bunch more power and cap increase from oss 3. I think DPS League's comment of "Kind of must-have for Engs" isn't precisely accurate; it's probably more of a "best of a bad bunch" for Engineer DPS traits. Assimilated Power Conduits is an in-game Starship Trait. Clicky abilities from consoles. A hefty bonus to all radiation damage (boosts the kemo proc damage) and if you also run a torp, it’s a solid boost to it as well. Hello community, as the new Nandi Warship is definetly a strong ship ever available for free (or even less than 80m EC!!!) we decided that releasing some helpful builds for this ship is inevitable for us! Beams [MoD] Tags: MoD. Everything's pretty up-to-date, the 13th anniversary ships aren't included yet as they haven't been fully tested yet and will probably be. Hybrid builds are a mixture of the above. #32. In terms of DPS, going from Mark level to level gets you more damage than advancing a quality level. Jay and Tilor have plans to add more to their lists too, so expect updates in the future! Some of these builds have been posted here before, but they've been given a fresh coat of paint (or more) so the new, definitive versions are now going to be kept on STO BETTER. – Please remember that any DPS value calculated by this tool is a theoretical (raw) value. In the "Gameclient" folder you'll see a file that is named CombatLog. This trait gives bonuses in Space if slotted into an Active Starship Trait slot. A 5/3 weapon layout similar to the Sheshar would be. What is the best Faction for DPS? Going into ViL, Romulan Tacticals are still statistically the best. - Chroniton Mines. there are just a minor amount of ship bound consoles like the dominion coordination protocols, the jupiter console, from the flagship bundle. The majority of the admins want to clear the DPS league of any parses over 30k DPS, then give people 2 weeks to re-qualify and re-upload a new parse without Armor Pen and Plasma Burn. Reply Lord_Casselstone • Additional comment actions. Cardassian Galor Cruiser (Beams | Discount ) Cardassian Intel Science Dreadnought – Damar-class (Beams) Cardassian Intel Science Dreadnought – Damar-class (exotic/torp) Cardassian Intel Flight-Deck Cruiser – Ghemor-class (Beams)STO Combat Meter (SCM) Frequently Asked Questions o Q: Where can I download SCM?. STO Combat Meter FAQ: Uploads are turned OFF during open beta testing. Created Oct 10, 2016. Inspirational Leader (exchange or Infinity Lockbox) Duelist’s. This specialization will now be recommended instead of pilot as secondary specialization. Added Upload for Infected Space Elite. Posts: 6 Threads: 2 Joined: Oct 2018 Reputation: 0 #1. See here and pick within your means . Discussion. DPS League. Fleet Coordinator (free) Superior Beam Training – Basis version for free, superior version obtainable at K-13. 70. 4) if you would use phasers, this might be a possibility yes 🙂So, after disabling some locate indexing options on Windows, I was able to find C;Program Files(x86)Star Trek Online enStar Trek OnlineLiveLogsGameClient and 2 files that are labeled CombatLog_2018-09-06_00-00-00. 4 points: Improved Aim. The "DPS League" i'd say is the most "known" and out and forward with challenges among themselves parsing to have the best DPS high scores, fastest speed runs etc among themselves. Remember to not mix Beams with Cannons, it's not efficient. O. Expect prices between 200 and 450 million. For example, if a weapon does 28 Phaser Damage and has a recharge time of 1. and deal additional damage. We got a surprise update to the personal endeavor system in Star Trek Online this week. C. We want to clarify these here to hopefully answer the questions. It would be liveable if STO's random queue would 1) require ETFO players have. On the damage sources tab, enter all of your relevant build description. Beam weapons are equally effective against starship shields and hull. The DPS League is an online gaming community for Star Trek Online. DPS is usually used in relation to a longer duration rather than a short and quick one. You can build around traits that enhance tractor beam. We found that English is the preferred language on Sto League pages. Which one you use depends a bit on the mission. Biotech Patch. As long as you never get to the segment of a story mission where. Shield Overload. All faction restrictions of this starship can be removed by having a level 65 KDF character or by purchasing the Cross Faction Flying. DPS League Planner; Lowest Score Analysis; Sakari Results; SB234 Results; DPS League Guides; Events. Hull Restoration (2 points) Every ship is using some kind of hull heal e. this is talking from a person that does over 70k DPS in ISA and is ranked in the DPS LEague with that withing the top players. I can tell you as someone that PvP'd (when I actually played), that. Visit sto-league. Briefly summarized this means: No trimming or editing of any kind, no stopping the CombatLog before the map is complete (= all enemy entities are dead) and all players have to stay on the map until completion. DPS Sum for each Hangar Pet by scenario: The Ninth Rule Wanted Trouble Over Terrh Gone Dark. place #3: @killermarschmelo. ideally CRF over CSV as i prefer CRF. Both consoles are great on cannon builds, there is no doubt about that, but here I don’t think they are useful. As I'm sure you all know, if we complete the year's campaign, we'll get the choice in the title. The highest DPS pets at the moment are your bog-standard rare (blue) to'duj squadrons + SAD + swarmer matrix + a few other buffs. Similar state ments hold true on ground, where the peak DPS is 17K and involved a heavily-supported run centered around mines on a specific type of build. Type: All-Rounder Roles: DPS, Tank, Secondary Healer, Secondary Support. (Screenshot by @Seaofsorrows, Winner of our Screenshot Contest) Hello everyone, here are our suggestions for the 2019 Summer Event ship, the Risian Corvette! Risian Corvette T6 [Polaron | CannonMit /channel_join DPS-Deutsch könnt ihr direkt beitreten. Jem’Hadar Vanguard Carrier (Exotic/Torp) Jem’Hadar Vanguard Dreadnought Cruiser (Beams) Jem’Hadar Vanguard Warship (Cannons) Neela’s HSE Vanguard Warship (Cannons) Jem’Hadar Vanguard Warship (Cannons | Polaron-Weapons) Jem’Hadar Vanguard Warship (Beams) , below this post or show us your attemp on these ships!The big difference with the DPS league guide is that that is largely focused on getting damage out of the Spore-Infused Anomalies trait and various console actives, with the still powerful Deteriorating Secondary Deflector an afterthought, while mine doesn't have those options and instead focuses on the DSecDef exclusively (though I have gotten.